Our Story
Where we began

Connections Ministry began as a coalition of downtown churches in Mankato Minnesota, coming together to best serve those in the community seeking assistance and resources. Out of the intentional relationships built through our Community Connectors, it was determined that one of the best ways we could make a difference was to open a rotating shelter. Partnering with 8 local congregations, Connections launched the shelter October 31, 2017. Over the course of that season we hosted over 125 individuals and families. Led by Rev. Collette Broady Grund and Rev. Erica Koser, Connections Ministry has moved to a permanent location, expanding from 25 beds to 35 beds, and is currently building capacity to become a year round low barrier emergency shelter.
Our Mission and Vision
Mission Statement
In response to Jesus’ command to “ love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind and to love your neighbor as yourself” (Matthew 22:27,29) Connections Ministry is committed to walking with our neighbors experiencing homelessness.
Vision Statement:
Walking with individuals and families experiencing homelessness by extending a radical welcome that provides dignity, shelter, and community .
Our Community Partners
We take our name, Connections, very seriously. We know that it takes a whole community to address the needs of those experiencing homelessness.
We are proud to connect with a wide variety of public and private partners.
Bethlehem Lutheran Church
Grace Lutheran
Christ the King Lutheran
Messiah Lutheran
Crossview Covenant
Hosanna Lutheran
Centenary UMC
St. John's Episcopal
St. John the Baptist Catholic
Holy Rosary Catholic
First Presbyterian
Open Door Health Center
Mayo Clinic
City of Mankato
Blue Earth County
Genoa Pharmacy
Partners for Housing
Salvation Army
The Reach
Holy Grounds
Mankato Area Foundation
Otto Bremer Trust
Andreas Foundation
Consolidated Communications