Our Services

Who we serve
Connections serves all genders and all family compositions. We have 22 beds for men and 18 beds for women/families. Initial intakes are done Monday-Friday from 9am-3pm. We operate off of a waiting list to fill empty beds.
Please call 507-720-6907 to check on availability of beds and set up an intake appointment.
SHelter amenities
Guests share a room with 3-5 other people (families are in their own room).
Dinner is provided each evening along with snacks and beverages.
A light breakfast is available each morning.
Guests may leave items in their rooms during the day.
Computer access, wifi, a movie room, library and games are available to all guests.
Showers are available in the evenings from 7pm to 9pm.
Guest laundry is available once a week
Guest Guidelines
When you arrive at Connections you will meet with a care coordinator for intake. We will go over the shelter rules and expectations. Click here to read a copy of our guidelines.
Shelter hours
We open at 5pm each evening and check in runs from 5pm-7pm. We close each morning at 8am. Guests may leave items in their rooms during the day. Guests who are working can arrange a different check in time that works with their work schedule.
care coordination
We partner with you to help you achieve your goals. We can help with job searches, connecting you to housing resources, seeking treatment, or providing a safe space to debrief. Guests check in weekly with their Care Coordinators.
The shelter is located at 220 E Hickory Street at First Presbyterian Church. Click here for a map.
Our office for intake and outreach is located at 800 S Front Street, next to the Public Safety Building.